Pool boys for Tom

For You

Well today is the last day off my day off. I will not be back until Monday. I thought you might like this. Just to let you know I was thinking of you. Hope you have a wonderful day and great weekend.

Hugs Ray

Cowboy Boots

Thought of The Day

"Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love." -Lao Tzu

Happy Birthday Kevyn

Kevyn, May you have many more birthdays. May today be filled with lots of happiness.

Vacuum Cleaners

Thougth of the Day

"Your heart is where your treasure is, and you must find your treasure in order to make sense of everything." -Paul Coelho

More Videos

Yes Kevyn, I am using videos now. Want me to show eveyone yours???? LOL hugs

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