Just a note to let you know my work week. I get up at 4:00am feed the dog, make coffee. Take a bath, walk the dog. nowit is about 5:30Am I leave the house and meet up with a co-worker. She leaves about 30 mins from me so we meet in the middle and share rides together (yes I thought of it, trying to do my part in saving this earth). We get to work about 6:30 am. I get off of work arounf 19:45 up to 20:00. by the time I get home it is around 21:00. So I go to bed and start the whole thing over. That is why I do not write to anyone or my own blog on the days I work. I try to let everyone know on the days off. If you are on my blog list. I try to look at your blog every day of I can. Thank you for this service annoucement.